Cataract Management

Inside our eyes, we have a natural lens. The lens bends light rays that come into the eye to help us see. The lens should be clear. A cataract is when your eye's natural lens becomes cloudy. It is like looking through a foggy or dusty car windshield. Things look blurry, hazy or less colorful with a cataract.
Signs of a cataract include:
Having blurry vision
Seeing double or a ghosted image out of the eye with cataract
Being extra sensitive to light, especially with oncoming headlights at night
Having trouble seeing well at night, or needing more light when you read
Seeing bright colors as faded or yellow instead
What Causes Cataracts?
Aging is the most common cause. This is due to normal eye changes that begin to happen after age 40. That is when normal proteins in the lens start to break down. This is what causes the lens to get cloudy. People over age 60 usually start to have some clouding of their lenses.
Other reasons you may get cataracts include:
having parents, brothers, sisters, or other family members who have cataracts
having certain medical problems, such as diabetes
having had an eye injury, eye surgery, or radiation treatments on your upper body
having spent a lot of time in the sun, especially without sunglasses that protect your eyes from damaging ultraviolet (UV) rays
using certain medications such as corticosteroids, which may cause early formation of cataracts.
Ways to slow progression of cataracts
Have an eye exam every year if you're older than 60
Protect your eyes from UV light by wearing sunglasses
Quit smoking
Use brighter lights for reading and other activities. A magnifying glass may be useful, too
Limit driving at night once night vision, halos or glare become problems
Take care of any other health problems, especially diabetes
Get the right eyeglasses or contact lenses to correct your vision
When it becomes difficult to complete your regular activities, consider cataract surgery
To evaluate for cataracts, or if you're already diagnosed with cataracts and need further maintenance and management, the eye doctors at Site to See in Windermere, Florida, can help you determine the progression of your cataract growth year to year with an annual comprehensive eye examination.